


How to Choose an Email Name

Email is a must have in today’s society. Whether it is for business or for personal use, you have to have an email address. Choosing an email name can be a hard decision. Using a real name for your email can be dangerous, but you want people to know it is from you. You want your email name to reflect your personality, but want it to be professional. Choosing an email name doesn’t have to be hard, just follow these guidelines.

Read more: How to Choose an Email Name | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4432053_choose-email-name.html#ixzz1tlqKK02S


    • 1
      Decide if this email is going to be for personal or professional use. If your email name is going to be for personal use, move to Step 2. If it is going to be for professional use, skip to Step 3.
    • 2
      Think about what you like to do. Do you have a favorite hobby? You can incorporate that into your email name. If you like scrap booking for instance, your email name could be “Scrappy 1”. If you have a wilder interest it could be “Swing4U”. If you have a nickname, use that for your email name. For example, if your nickname is Scooter you can use “Scooter2u” for your email. Once you decide what interests, or nickname, you want to use skip to Step 4.
    • 3
      Use a simple email name for professional email. It can be as simple as “MrSmith”. If you want to incorporate your profession in your email, use part of your name and the professional. For example an editor could use “SmithEdits”. If you want a less formal email name, but still want it to sound professional, use a first name and last initial. For example, “JohnS” would be a simple, professional email name.
    • 4
      Sign on to whatever email host you plan on using. Do a search to see if your name is available. If the name has been taken, try changing it just a bit. If you used a number, try spelling it out. For example, “Scrappy1” could be “ScrappyOne”. If you used a name add another initial. For example, “MrSmith” could be “MrJSmith”.
    • 5
      Sign up for your new email account once you find an available name. You are now ready to send emails using your custom created email name.
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Tips & Warnings

  • You can have more than one email account, but don’t have so many you can’t keep track of them.
  • Don’t pick a really long name. You will have to type it in every time you check your email.
  • If you are applying for a job be sure to use a professional email address. Recruiters have been known to toss resumes that have silly or unprofessional email addresses.
  • Before sending an email, be sure you are logged into the correct account. You don’t want to send an email to your mother from your “Swing4U” email account.

Read more: How to Choose an Email Name | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4432053_choose-email-name.html#ixzz1tlqRTYeU

Sandra Fluke桑德拉福禄克事件 (Rush Limbaugh–Sandra Fluke controversy)

   美國喬治城大學法學院女學生桑德拉.傅路克(Sandra Fluke)二月廿三日(2012.02.23)在民主黨聯邦眾議員召開的聽證會上力挺歐巴馬總統的政策,認為節育應該納入健保給付


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每年欧莱雅集团(L’OREAL)都会在蒙特利尔(Montreal)举办年会(其实就是 Warehouse Sale ),好东西还真不少。价格比市面上基本上能打了个对折。不明所以的朋友可以查看一下我原来写的 陪老婆逛欧莱雅展销会 这篇文章。这个年会入场还需要入场卷。以往的门票都是朋友送的。看到蒙城华人上说其实可以免费申请这个欧莱雅年会门票的。老早就给欧莱雅发了传真过去,昨天刚刚收到2010年11月的欧莱雅年会票。找了些资料,放上来与大家共享一下。

How to apply the ticket of L’Oréal warehouse sale:
On a letterhead from your company, you should have:
-The number of employees working in your office or facility;
-The number of invititions required;
-The contact person with telephone number and e-mail address.
Everything should be sent by fax to the Special Projects Department.
Fax: 514-335-1897

- 公司人数
- 需要申请多少张门票
- 联系人姓名、电话以及电邮


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CanEquity Mortgage Canada - Best Canadian Mortgages, Rates ...

Saturday, 17 December, 2011

CanEquity Mortgage Canada - Best Canadian Mortgages, Rates ...

CanEquity Mortgage Canada
A Canadian Mortgage Company
Equifax Credit Report
Prime Rate:
3.00 %

There are 43 users currently viewing this website.

Site Last Updated:
December 17th, 2011
5:00 a.m.

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Providing Canadians with the best mortgages and mortgage rates that Canada has to offer is what our mortgage brokers do! We make it easy to find the lowest mortgage rates in Canada, and offer many other resources including the largest Canadianmortgage glossary, the most comprehensive mortgage calculator and the ability to display current Canadian mortgage rateson your website or desktop! We hope you enjoy your visit at CanEquity.

Mortgage Services

The mortgage rates posted herein are updated daily. If you notice upon browsing that other mortgage sites differ, it is because their rates are not updated.Report lower rate
Mortgage Brokers are trained, independent professionals licensed to represent and provide you with the best consultation for your mortgage needs. Our advice is always free and we can save you money.
Canadian Mortgage Rate HistoryCanEquity Mortgage is a national Canadian mortgage brokering company offering home loans to clients in all provinces and territories. We have access to over 75 major lending institutions across Canada. This gives us the ability to shop the mortgage market and offer you the best possible rates, service and mortgage options. We also specialize in mortgage renewalsdebt consolidation and no money down home loans.
Many of our mortgage services are absolutely free and may save you thousands of dollars on high interest charges and monthly payments. Finding you the right mortgage is what we do. Let us help build your dreams.

Current Canadian Mortgage Rates

(with last date of rate change)
Current *
Rates (%)
Rates (%)

Change (%)      
Last Date
of Change

Current *
Rates (%)
Variable2.80 Special2.90-0.10mortgage rate loweredOct 25, 2011 Low Doc3.79
6 month3.954.45-0.50mortgage rate loweredNov 18, 2010 No Down5.29
1 year2.892.640.25mortgage rate risenOct 11, 2011 

22.693.09-0.40mortgage rate loweredDec 6, 2011   
33.193.29-0.10mortgage rate loweredDec 14, 2011 

43.443.49-0.05mortgage rate loweredDec 14, 2011

53.353.39-0.04mortgage rate loweredNov 29, 2011

73.893.99-0.10mortgage rate loweredDec 7, 2011

96.306.50-0.20mortgage rate loweredMay 10, 2010

104.394.49-0.10mortgage rate loweredDec 7, 2011

159.259.45-0.20mortgage rate loweredJun 11, 2009

189.259.45-0.20mortgage rate loweredJun 11, 2009

257.859.35-1.50mortgage rate loweredSep 14, 2009

Note: Some mortgage rates may not be available in certain areas. Contact us at 1-888-818-4262 for details.
CanEquity Mortgage Rates vs Conventional Rates
Our Rates *
Posted Rates **
Savings Over Term 1
(Ours vs Posted Rates)
Savings Per Year 1
(Ours vs Posted Rates)
6 month3.954.450.50$757.66N/A
1 year2.893.500.61$1,847.13$1,847.13
25  7.858.750.90$53,710.95$2,148.44
1 Calculation based on a $411,931 home (average home price in the Greater Toronto Area for December 2009) with a 25% down payment over a 25 year amortization using a monthly payment schedule. Actual Mortgage: $308,948.25. Source: Toronto Real Estate Board ** Posted RBC mortgage rates.

Canadian mortgage lenders

We offer the lowest mortgages to all of AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundlandNorth West TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewan, and Yukon. Find the best mortgages in Canada with CanEquity.
Canadian Mortgage National Press ReleasesSubscribe to Web Feed
  • Canadian home sales edge higher in November
    OTTAWA, Ontario, December 15, 2011 — According to statistics released today by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), national resale housing activity rose slightly in November 2011 from the previous month. Highlights: 
  • Resource Rich Provinces Lead Canadian Economic Growth: RBC Economics
    TORONTO, Ontario, December 12, 2011 — Canada's provincial economies remain largely on course, according to the latest RBC Economics Provincial Outlook report released today. "The biggest differentiating factor for provincial growth next year will continue to be the dynamism of the natural resource sector," said Craig Wright, senior vice-president and chief economist, RBC. "Resources …
  • Prolonged Period of Deleveraging Ahead, Says Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney
    TORONTO, Ontario, December 12, 2011 — The world’s advanced economies are entering a prolonged period of deleveraging after several decades of accumulating debt, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney said today. “The direction may be clear, but the magnitude and abruptness of the process are not. It could be long and orderly or it could be sharp and chaotic.” “In …
  • Jobs and Growth the Priorities as Minister Flaherty Hosts Pre-Budget ...
    TORONTO, Ontario, December 09, 2011 — The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, today took part in a pre-budget roundtable discussion in Toronto with business, academic and sectoral leaders from across the country. The event is part of a series of cross-Canada consultations on how best to ensure Canada’s economy continues to produce jobs and growth in a difficult global …
* Mortgage interest rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Some rates may be subject to minimum credit score, loan amount and may only be available certain lending areas. A quick closing loan condition may be required. Does not apply to preapprovals. Contact CanEquity for details. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of our website, the above mortgage information should only be used as a guideline and CanEquity makes no guarantees on any rates shown. CanEquity Mortgage always recommends that you consult a mortgage broker before making a decision. For any mortgage related questions or to speak to one of our mortgage specialists, please call 1-888-818-4262. CanEquity does not guarantee to have the lowest rate in Canada. We do make every attempt though to find the best mortgage deal possible for all of our clients.

§ Our mortgages are only available to Canadian residents or foreigners purchasing property located in Canada.

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Canadian Mortgage Rates
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Chaya Cooperberg - Globe and Mail
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Mike O. - Calgary, Alberta
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Gabor S. - Calgary, Alberta
“I have bought and sold properties and have never had the superior service I received from Tracey De Almeida.”
Guyanne S. - Ottawa, Ontario
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Lynn J. - London, Ontario
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Kelly S. - Toronto, Ontario
“I wanted to thank you for your help and very prompt response and professionalism. You're fantastic.”
Les L. – Toronto, Ontario
“Just wanted to contact you and thank you for all your help in getting us our mortgage.”
Judy K and James R. - Brampton, Ontario
“Thank you so much for obtaining our mortgage for us, your hard work made our dreams come true. Thanks for everything.”
Alexandria Y. - Pictou, Nova Scotia
“Thanks for getting us our mortgage, your service was top notch.”
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“The site hosts one of the best Canadian mortgage rate calculators I have seen! I like this site because it's fast, up-to-date and informative! Good job CanEquity!”
- from Amazon.com
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Paul H. - Kitchener, Ontario
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Andre K. - East York, Ontario
“Greatest mortgage website in Canada.”
Torben S. - Okotoks, Alberta
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“I really found your rate calculator useful, best one so far.”
Nelson W. - Coquitlam, BC
“We just wanted to thank you so so so much for all of your hard work in assisting us in securing our first mortgage.”
Sarah & Mike
“Your calculator is by far the nicest, thanks for making it available.”
Belle R.
“Thanks for all your work on refinancing our mortgage! Everything worked out great!”
Sonia & Kevin M. - London, Ontario
“We will be mentioning your service (company) and you specifically to family members etc., when their mortgages are up for renewal.”
Joan B - Winnipeg, Manitoba
“You have done an excellent job in working through the maze of things to make our mortgage simple and stress free.”
Kumar S. - Mississauga, Ontario
“Your company has great mortgage rates, do you lend outside of Canada?”
Devon A. - Port Huron
“I liked ease and efficiency of doing my renewal with CanEquity Mortgage, I was surprised how much less paper work there was.”
Twyla M - Regina, Saskatchewan
“Thank you to Tamar Leis of CanEquity Calgary, who made this experience much more pleasant than anticipated. The level of client service she provided overwhelmingly surpassed my expectations.”
Cindy W. - Toronto, Ontario
Did you know that the average home loan inFort Erie is: Discover more facts and statistics exclusively at CanEquity Mortgage.
Ontario Mortgage Statistics
Mortgage Renewals
Have you received yourmortgage renewal in the mail? Don't just sign the form and send it back to the lender. Over 70% of mortgage holders do just that, and what is the usual result - a higher mortgage rate and a product that might not be best suited to their needs. Choose CanEquity for the best ratemortgage renewal in Canada.
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